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What makes Catholic coaching “Catholic”?

It starts with an objective destination.

The primary purpose for any life coach is to help their clients discover and freely choose their greatest good. The approach of most secular coaching is to let the individual define their greatest good. But Catholic coaching teaches you how to approach “the good” as something absolute and known through Sacred Scripture and the Church’s teachings. This difference affects everything! When you know what your greatest good is as taught by
Christ and the Church, you can spend less time and energy deciding what is good and more time and energy pursuing it.

The coach is your guide, not your travel agent.

Most life coaches act as travel agents. Their job is to help you reach where you want to go, but they’re indifferent to the destination you choose. A Catholic life coach is more like a trail guide. He or she walks the path with you while knowing that our ultimate destination (and our greatest good) is life with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit for all eternity. Therefore, a Catholic coach helps clients journey toward Beatitude and establish meaningful milestones along the way.

God is the true agent of change.

Catholic coaching helps you remove the barriers that come up between you and the one person who can show you the way to true freedom and life — Jesus Christ. That being said, God’s grace is the true agent of change. The Catholic coach works as a conduit of grace, building trust with a client in order to ultimately pass their hand to the Eternal Life Coach.

While God is doing the heavy lifting, you are still called to be an active participant in the life of grace. How? By stepping into responsibility and choosing to use your human gifts of intellect (to know truth and goodness) and free will (to choose the good) to cooperate with God’s grace.

It takes place in a spiritual battleground.

Life is a spiritual battle. You can’t forget that there’s an Enemy of humanity who does not rest. Catholic coaching helps you live well (and engage well) in this battleground because it’s based on the Catholic understanding of the human person.

As a human, you are a body-soul being. You can’t ignore the spiritual side of your humanity, but you can’t ignore the physical side either. When we ignore or over-emphasize either of these, we become weaker in the battle. Catholic coaching teaches you how to become more vigilant in fighting the spiritual battle like a human person, not an angel or an animal.

It’s in line with the Magisterium and the Catechism.

This should go without saying. But it’s essential to authentic Catholic coaching. That’s why everything we do at Metanoia Catholic is in keeping with the doctrine of the Catholic Faith and guidance of the Church Magisterium.

The Metanoia Catholic Purgative Way coach training program is for anyone who loves abiding with people. Whether you already are a life coach, or you’re a teacher, priest, employer, or serve people in any capacity, you will be trained in excellent coaching techniques rooted in Catholic teaching and tradition. Over the course of four months, you will learn how to base your coaching on Catholic anthropology, master a simple and repeatable coaching method, and sharpen your mindset coaching skills together with other Catholic coaches. Sign up today!

Learn more about the Metanoia Catholic Purgative Way coach training program right here!