Get Fully Engaged!

The Metanoia Catholic Academy will help you become fully engaged in the advance of God’s Kingdom through your unique design, mission, and battle!

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people praying

Get Engaged in a Catholic Community that’s Committed to Advancing God’s Kingdom.

Welcome to the Metanoia Catholic Academy, where fellow Catholics come together to discover and engage their unique design, mission, and battle. This encouraging community is filled with dedicated Catholics and seasoned guides who are ready to help you grow, advance in your personal journey, and persevere in the universal call to holiness.

"It's not good for the man to be alone."
Genesis 2:18

We live in a spiritual war that can often leave us feeling alone, anxious, lost, and questioning if we’re really progressing on our own personal walk with God, let alone advancing His Kingdom.

At Metanoia Catholic, we’ve learned that the best way to move forward is to discover and grow in your unique design, mission, and battle so you can get engaged and become all He created you to be. When we do this in community with other dedicated Catholics, it makes the journey all the better.

Join the community!

Live Your Purpose with Resilience in the Spiritual Battle

We live in a spiritual war that can often leave us feeling anxious, lost, confused, and questioning if God truly has a meaningful plan for us. We’ve learned that the best way to fight back is with a resilient mind and heart pursuing God’s plan for your life.

In the Academy, we train you how to create virtuous habits of mind and heart that make you resilient in the spiritual battle and steadfast in your purpose. We also provide practical tools to help you understand yourself, others, and what God wants you to do with your life.

Our students see big changes. They experience transformed relationships, freedom from old habits, and greater meaning and purpose as they journey together with God to become all He made them to be.

A man holding a baby sitting on a pier.

How we help you Engage your Unique Design, Mission, and Battle

While prayer, the Sacraments, and ordinary channels of grace are non-negotiables to your journey, there are three pillars we help you engage to help you move forward:

How to Unlock Your Unique Design
How to Explore Your Unique Purpose
How to Courageously Fight Your Unique Battle
  • Discover and learn how to apply your unique gifts and talents in everyday life.
  • Grow your talents into strengths and share them with greater courage and conviction.
  • Gain strategies for managing weaknesses and build more time to do what you do best.
  • Learn how to discern and gain clarity on your unique mission.
  • Grow patience with where God has you today, and how to persevere when the mission gets hard.
  • Learn to integrate your mission with daily duties so it is an enhancement to vocation, not a distraction.
  • Learn to distinguish enemy attacks from your own shortcomings, and how to deal with both.
  • Flip enemy attacks into opportunities for resilience and grace and keep persevering.
  • Identify where you are vulnerable to attack and build daily disciplines to stay strong in the fight.
  • Discover and learn how to apply your unique gifts and talents in everyday life.
  • Grow your talents into strengths and share them with greater courage and conviction.
  • Gain strategies for managing weaknesses and build more time to do what you do best.
  • Learn how to discern and gain clarity on your unique mission.
  • Grow patience with where God has you today, and how to persevere when the mission gets hard.
  • Learn to integrate your mission with daily duties so it is an enhancement to vocation, not a distraction.
  • Learn to distinguish enemy attacks from your own shortcomings, and how to deal with both.
  • Flip enemy attacks into opportunities for resilience and grace and keep persevering.
  • Identify where you are vulnerable to attack and build daily disciplines to stay strong in the fight.
a girl praying

We help you discover your unique gift to the world

So often, we can fall for the lie that holiness and success looks one way. This can lead to a lot of shame, comparison, and failure to see the amazing work that God is actively doing in our life.

But what if God wasn’t trying to change you. What if He was simply calling you to become more of who he created you to be. As St. Catherine of Sienna said, “Become who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.”

Building your Unique Design Blueprint in the Academy is the first step of discovering who you are through your unique contributions, weaknesses, triggers, ideal conditions, and motivations. Not only will it help confidently name and share your gifts, but it will also start to reveal where you can unite with God to make your biggest impact!

We help you persevere in your unique mission from God

Without knowing our unique mission, it’s easy to slide into aimlessness, boredom, and settle for mediocrity. 

But clarity of mission gives us meaningful direction and elevates the way that we experience the everyday life of family, work, prayer, and play.

In the Academy, we help you discern your unique mission and how to live faithfully, even in the daily grind. The workshops, guidance, prayer, and supportive community that you receive will help you persevere, be inspired, and continue discerning God’s direction in your life.

men laughing

Gain Mastery and Resilience in Fighting Your Unique Battle

Two women sitting at a kitchen table with a laptop.

It’s not enough to know your design and mission. You also need to know how to endure and overcome the constant assaults that God permits from the world, the enemy, and even yourself.

Our resiliency and self-coaching skills are grounded in the same philosophy followed by Catholic exorcists and deliverance ministers. They work because they are aligned with God’s design for every person to grow in resilience in the spiritual battle. 

Prayer and the Sacraments are essential in this fight, but when we aren’t living well on a natural level we can create obstacles to grace. In the Academy, we teach you effective strategies for growing in natural virtue so you can experience the full effects of supernatural grace.

What You’ll Find in the Metanoia Catholic Academy
Opportunities to Pray Together: Share your prayer requests, intercede for one another, offer community fasts and novenas, and join regular lectio divina calls for grace and community.

Guided Resources for Exploring Your Unique Design: We offer resources on a variety of assessments, including the Classical Temperaments, Strengthsfinder™, and MCODE, with additional tools and reflection exercises to integrate your reports and map your talents onto a simple Unique Design Blueprint.

Periodic Instructor-led Cohorts for Group Studies: While there are plenty of self-paced resources available, sometimes jumping into a focused 4-8 week group study can keep you on track and accountable to your goals.

Group Recon Calls: The Spiritual War is real and we want to help you recognize it and respond. Our coaches hold live calls to walk you through discernment steps and build strategies for resilience in the spiritual fight.

Periodic Community Challenges for staying accountable: Whether it’s staying committed to a prayer regime, easing screen time, or breaking bad habits, you’ll find strength and encouragement in numbers as you pray and progress alongside one another.

Support and Encouragement from Professional Guides: Join live Q&As and engage the community forum to connect with professional coaches who share your Catholic values and are trained to help you overcome obstacles, discern next steps, and persevere through challenges.

Get Enrolled Today!

Every mentor needs to be a student, and every student eventually becomes a mentor. We give you two options of where to start your journey with the Metanoia Catholic Academy.
Step Off Towards Your Fully-Alive Life
$24.99/m or $249.99/y
7-Day Free Trial
  • Interactive Student Community Forum
  • Q&As with Certified Coaches
  • Live Workshops
  • Group Coaching Calls and Archives
  • Group Check-In Calls
  • Live Lectio Divina Calls
  • Intercessory Prayer Book
  • Workshop Replay Vault
  • Schedule 1:1 Coaching Calls
  • Frequent Challenges
  • Discounts on Select Products

Metanoia Catholic Academy is perfect for you if you want to:


You want to feel at home in an incredible community of growth-minded Catholics.


You want to grow in your unique gifts and talents and share them with confidence and conviction.


Not only do you want to fulfill God’s mission for your life, but you want to do it while being excellent at your vocation.


You want to overcome old habits, learn practical ways to grow in virtue, resist the enemy, and become who you were meant to be.


When you engage your unique design, mission, and battle you faithfully respond to Christ’s Great Commission and inspire those around you.

Metanoia Catholic Academy App Coming Soon Image
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Before joining MCA, I didn’t know any Catholics who were into self development who were being intentional about growing in their interior life. Through MCA I have become more aware of my thoughts, feelings,  actions, and how I react in difficult situations.

Marty t.
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With MCA, I found the Truth I'd been looking for in personal development for a long time. I finally feel like thought work is taking place with God and not independent of Him.

Cheyanna B.
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Our Vision
prayer group

In the Metanoia Catholic Academy, we help people advance God’s Kingdom by fully engaging their unique design, mission, and battle. We teach practical skills to build virtue and mental resilience so they can be steadfast in living God’s mission amidst the spiritual battles they encounter.

Ready to advance God’s Kingdom through your unique design, mission, and battle?
Start your 7-Day Free Trial


Are you operating under church approval?

Yes! We have been approved to operate by our local ordinary (bishop).

What makes your coaching “Catholic”?

We ground our teaching in the Catechism of the Catholic Church and are committed to teaching only what it is in line with the Magisterium. Our coaching model includes God in your pursuit of goodness, because we believe that true Beatitude (our ultimate goal of supreme happiness) is only attainable through virtue and grace. God is the only author of good, and our purpose is to know and choose God’s plan, not invent it. Finally, we recognize that self-development takes place in the context of a spiritual battle, so we equip our clients with the knowledge, tools, and resources of our Catholic faith to resist the enemy as they seek Beatitude.

What is the difference between coaching and therapy?

There is a lot of overlap between coaching and therapy, but here are three important distinctions. First, mental health practitioners can diagnose and treat mental illness, while coaches do not diagnose and treat mental illness. Second, coaches and therapists work with different people on the spectrum of mental health. Therapists work with people who are mentally ill or living below a baseline of what is considered to be mentally healthy (though they can also work with healthy people who desire greater wellness), while coaches help people who are mentally healthy (at or above baseline) achieve greater wellness. Third, mental health professionals work with patients on past, present and sometimes future wellness, while coaches tend to focus on present and future wellness with a targeted goal in mind.

What is the difference between coaching and spiritual direction?

Coaching focuses on human formation, such as helping clients work toward a noble material goal or increase in acquired virtue. Spiritual direction focuses on developing a person’s prayer life and relationship with God. Coaches typically meet with clients more frequently (daily, weekly or biweekly) while spiritual directors typically meet less frequently (6-8 weeks). The coaching relationship is typically focused on short-term goals with a finite end, while spiritual direction is long-standing and may span the life of the director or directee. Coaching and spiritual direction can work effectively in conjunction with each other.

Is there a minimum age to participate?

Yes. Per our terms and conditions all participants in MCA must be at least 18 years of age to join. 

Is there a free trial available?

While we offer a free Entry Access level of our Academy, we also offer a 7-Day free trial for our Level 1 - Student Access.

Is it easy to cancel?

For purchases made through the Apple Store, you can easily cancel your subscription within you Apple Store App. You can choose to leave the community and cancel a subscription by logging into your account on web and going to your Profile Image > Personal Settings > Account > Deactivate My Account. On the Android app, you can go to Personal Settings > Account > Deactivate My Account > Confirmation.