I had a boyfriend! I was telling my cousin all about him as we caught up during Christmas vacation. Another exciting piece of news was that there was a farm where I could start the horse ministry for kids that I had been talking about and preparing for since high school. The Lord was bringing my dreams to completion. It was all working out!
In the midst of our conversation, my cousin mentioned Metanoia Catholic and their Catholic Coach Training course. Right away, I decided I would look into this program because it sounded like just what I needed to ensure that this horse ministry for kids would be authentically Catholic.
I subscribed to the Metanoia Catholic Academy to see what it was like, and in my first 20-minute coaching call, I realized that Catholic coaching would help me succeed in this new relationship with my boyfriend. I signed up to learn how to be a coach myself!
I was so excited and thought my boyfriend might be as well. However, mindset coaching definitely helped me when his reaction was not exactly that of excitement…
I had initial doubts about Metanoia Catholic and Exercise 3 journal being “New Age.” I thought it might be the “secret” New Age teaching just with a Catholic bumper sticker.
I had already been through a phase in my life where I tried to reconcile the New Age thinking with my Catholic faith, ultimately deciding that it was best that one of them go – and it sure wasn’t Jesus and Mary.
As I learned more about the Metanoia Catholic Academy and journaling, I realized that I am allowed to use my imagination when praying, and it is a completely historical theologically-sound teaching. Unlike New Age mindsets, this prayer, outlined in Exercise 3 of the journal, is about God’s will being done to bring good things into reality, not our thoughts commanding God.
In Catholic coaching, we want God’s will to be our focus instead of deciding for ourselves, without God, what is best. This made sense! I could see how, even from a young age, the Lord had answered my prayers, both in ways I imagined and ways I didn’t. Either way, it was up to God!
Once I was over the initial doubts, I realized that in times such as these, when the secular society is not just amoral but immoral, coaches, who are warriors on this spiritual plain, are needed very much!
When our society is so centered around fast communication – communication that can come from us or not from us – our friends and family need the protection that the faith provides. We, as coaches, are called upon to help because we are the ones who have the tools.
God is calling us to share the Gospel in this time, and we are eager to embrace this challenge!
Currently Eileen is finishing Catholic coach training and working hard to establish a horse farm for kids. I am looking forward to signing up for Metanoia Catholic’s coach training program next year, and by the way… we will be married in just four months!