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Catholic Certified Coach

Eric Dumas

General Life Coach
Time & Productivity
Habitual Unwanted Behaviors
Catholic Certified Coach

Eric Dumas

About Eric

Hi, friend! I'm Eric Dumas. I live in the Twin Cities in Minnesota with my wife of 18 years. We have one son, whom we adopted at birth a couple years ago and has been a force of transformation in our life. I currently work in priestly formation at a major seminary and have experience in formation both in apostolate/missionary work and in the secular world. I've done coaching work with Amazing Parish, a priest-centered leadership mission established by Patrick Lencioni, and in campus ministry with Saint Paul's Outreach. I've also served as an Executive Team Leader with Target and, alongside my wife, am fully immersed in my local Catholic community in a variety of roles. I'm a Certified Catholic Coach through Metanoia Catholic and thrive in accompanying people to new areas of freedom through both group and individual coaching within and outside of my seminary work.

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Work with Eric

So many of us have struggled with unwanted habitual behaviors, thought patterns, and addictions. We've tried therapy, medication, spiritual direction and regular Confession, prayer ministry, lifestyle changes, ascetic practices, tech tools, and opening up more vulnerably in healthy friendships. But it hasn’t necessarily worked, and we've been left feeling stuck, thinking that we'll never break free from this stronghold, that we're doomed to a lifetime of living in the shadows and living a double life. We've found that this takes an enormous amount of time, attention, and energy that we'd rather be giving to our spouse, kids, and vocation, and to making an impact in the unique mission God has for us.The truth is this: we can reclaim our voice, experience the restoration of our freedom, realize our purpose, experience holy desire, and truly live our unique mission as given by God without being slaves. This has been the case in my life, and through a wholistic approach combining the best of cognitive behavioral coaching, the latest tools from neuroscience and habit change, and the spiritual truth about who we are as the image and likeness of God, I will accompany you to greater freedom. I'm living the fruits of this transformation in my own life with over 10 years of sobriety, and I know this works.I'm also equipped and ready to encourage and empower you in a variety of areas where you might feel stuck: leadership and team dynamics, work/career discernment, marriage and relationships, and more.