Amy Scott
Friends old and yet to be, my name is Amy, and I am a beloved daughter of God! Does that ever get old? Of course not! Jesus Christ taught us that we can call God Father. That Truth led me to obtain a master's degree in Catholic Theology and Parish Ministry and live and work in the Manchester, NH, Diocese. I love a good story, and I live with you in The Greatest Story!! If you feel stuck in your story perhaps I can help.
The Truth is we were called into existence from nothing. We are nothing, yet we are called to be adopted sons and daughters of God. We are called to Holiness in a mission field exactly where our feet stand. Tinker, tailor, soldier, mama, daddy, grocery clerk...if we go to the heavens, He is there; if we make our bed in the depths, He is there (Cf., Psalm 139:8). And yet, we forget what the Church teaches. We slip, struggle, and become convinced that circumstances or patterns will not change. Perhaps your mothers will NEVER understand you, or maybe that extra piece of chocolate cake does have your name on it. Thoughts are powerful, but they are not beyond our reach. We can look at them, put them down, and change them. This is the mission field of a Catholic Mindset Coach. A member of the Body of Christ who knows that their clients are made in the Image of God and holds that thought foremost in their mind as they come alongside providing support to you as you follow the Lord in this season. First and always, go to Mass! Receive the sacraments. Then, bring our situation to the Lord. Is He calling you to talk to a coach? Maybe He is calling you to speak to me.