May Christ’s Peace rest within you! I’m Rachel Plachta—I love being near my beloved Lake Superior, dancing, singing, creating art, listening to music & laughing. "I Am the Way & the Truth & the LIFE." ~ John 14.6. I am on this quest to find this WAY, this TRUTH & this LIFE in deeply intimate ways. Through some painful trials, our Lord called me into the desert so He could tenderly speak His Truth into my heart—dispelling the devil’s lies that flourished within. While in this desert, a moment came when the pain seemed too much to bear. I told Jesus that I wanted to honor my wounded inner girl and the pain she went through, but I wanted to bury her…and her pain. He told me, “Together, we will help her rise.” My mission: To help others rise into their new lives of glorious resurrection.
Are you experiencing any of the following: #1: When something or someone happens to you during your day, do you: a) Ruminate on the situation for hours or longer? b) Have an impulsive knee-jerk reaction? c) Judge and shame yourself for either reaction? #2: Do you have a task or dream you want to pursue but are avoiding it? #3: Are you paralyzed by the fear of making mistakes/failing or suffocated by perfectionism because you believe you are "not enough?" #4: Is your life painfully aimless that you are desperate to find a purpose that gives your life meaning and joy? If you replied “yes”: Good News! Our Lord is calling you into a wondrous adventure of healing! He’s saying: "I want to deliver you from the wounding enemy lies in your heart. Discover who you really are. Receive the abundant life I dream for you. Live as ONE with me to enjoy the fulfillment of your purpose! Your new life awaits! You are not ‘a problem’ to be ‘fixed;’ rather, discover & behold the wondrous mystery you are, which I tenderly unfold.” Are you ready to enter into this quest? Begin to discern your dream calling, break it down into an action plan, learn how to holistically process your emotional reactions with God in a manner that encourages you to surrender the pain and receive the freedom to love and accept yourself as you are & not who you think you should be. Book a free discovery session today!